We help you find exactly the right job


We help you find exactly the right job


The company was founded in 2010.
And he works in the field of Human Capital Consulting.

We provide a set of professional services in the field of work with personnel and business processes.

We have more than 13 years

of experience in the selection of first-class, qualified employees

We provide impeccable service

service in each of our services.

We automate the selection process 

respectively, we perform our work accurately and on time

Thanks to our experience and high standards we solve any problem

Аdjutor - experts in the field of work with personnel

Thanks to our experience and high standards we solve any problem

Аdjutor - experts in the field of work with personnel


closed vacancies in Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Israel, USA, Germany, Bulgaria, Cyprus


years of experience


closed vacancies in Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Israel, USA, Germany, Bulgaria, Cyprus


years of experience


Olga Zborovskaya — HR Business Partner, HR consultant, founder of the consulting company Adjutor

/ Founder of HR SCHOOL Adjutor/ Founder of Adjutor recruiting agency/ Coach, HR consultant/ Over 13 years of experience in HR/ Independent consultant on over 60 projects/ Recruited personnel in 250 Ukrainian companies/ Developed more than 15 training programs/ Consultant of the program "Service in Vinnitsa"/ Member of the Board of the NGO "Association of Personnel Management Specialists"

When can webe useful

  • You can't or don't know how to find a job

  • Have you lost your meaning or are you burned out

  • You have decided to change your profession

  • You want to know how you can accelerate the process of career growth

  • Do you want to find a job that you like

  • Help with making an important decision (leave or stay)

What serviceswe provide


Job search consulting

Action analysis and error calculation


Analysis, recommendations for resumes and cover letters

Development of a job search strategy and client support in the process of its implementation


Drafting resumes and cover letters on request

Developing a job search strategy after a long break


Developing a job search strategy after maternity leave

Developing a job search strategy for people over 50


Evaluation of the labor market (analytics by industry, companies, wages)

Career coaching


Work with self-esteem and job search confidence

Making important career decisions (leave or stay)


Professional crises and their overcoming (loss of meaning in work, change in values, burnout)

Career guidance and "entrance" to a new profession

Working with AdjutorYou are getting

Job search plan

on which you can act independently


Achieving a specific career

targets or adjusted target


Understanding your strengths

achievements and benefits


Increasing confidence

in your actions to achieve your career goal


Understanding your mistakes

that stopped you on the way to achieving your goal


Trust your
professional career

The result of cooperation with us - is an understanding of your values, an understanding of the course of movement and a dream job

terms from us



places are limited

✔ Parsing
✔ Filling out an application
✔ Consultation on cooperation with us



✔ Job search consulting
✔ Analysis of client actions and calculation of errors
✔ Analysis, recommendations for resumes and cover letters
✔ Development of a job search strategy and client support in the process of its implementation
✔ Drafting resumes and cover letters on request
✔ Developing a job search strategy after a long break
✔ Development of a job search strategy after maternity leave
✔ Development of a job search strategy for people over 50
✔ Evaluation of the labor market (analytics by industry, company, salary)
✔ Career coaching
✔ Work with self-esteem and job search confidence
✔ Making important career decisions (leave or stay)
✔ Professional crises and their overcoming (loss of meaning in work, change in values, burnout)
✔ Career guidance and "entrance" to a new profession



✔ Job search consulting
✔ Analysis of client actions and calculation of errors
✔ Analysis, recommendations for resumes and cover letters
✔ Development of a job search strategy and client support in the process of its implementation
✔ Drafting resumes and cover letters on request
✔ Developing a job search strategy after a long break
✔ Development of a job search strategy after maternity leave
✔ Development of a job search strategy for people over 50
✔ Evaluation of the labor market (analytics by industry, company, salary)

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