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HR Manager
Usually, this is a novice candidate in HR or an HR specialist who is responsible for only 1-2 functions, such as recruiting and training, and does not have special knowledge in HR
The average income is $500-$1000
HR Generalist
This is the "HR director in one person" of a small company from 10 to 100 people. He often does not have a team, but he has extensive expertise in all HR areas
The average income is $1,000 - $2,000
Head of HR
This is usually an HR Generalist after the company grows to over 100 people. He already has a team, so he needs to develop management skills. HR expertise is equal to HR Generalist expertise
The average income is $2,000 - $3,000
HR Director
As a rule, in companies from 300 people and above. Manages a team of 5 people, focuses more on strategic issues and top management development
The average income is $3,000 - $5,000