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Personnel administration is an important component of effective personnel management
Your key to the dream life
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Earn money on education
High-quality material and the correct presentation will allow you to start working already during training
Job Guarantee
For the best students, we guarantee employment
Do you want to keep personnel records at the enterprise
Work in the 1C program
Do you want to learn how to fill out all personnel documents correctly?
Our students work
in international companies
Only our students
receive special conditions, maximum support and much more
It's time to master a promising profession and get a dream job in IT!
Our students earn 500-1300$ right after the end of the course
The company was founded in 2010.
And he works in the field of Human Capital Consulting.
We provide a set of professional services in the field of work with personnel and business processes.
We have more than 13 years
of experience in the selection of first-class, qualified employees
We provide impeccable service
service in each of our services.
We automate the selection process
respectively, we perform our work accurately and on time
Advantagesstudying programs
Live online learning
study comfortably, ask questions, find like-minded people
Secrets and tricks
from experienced mentors that will come in handy later in your work
Quick employment
Start earning already on the course
Installment plan
Is it possible to pay the entire amount at once? No problem
Olha Velyka
/ Head of HR Department "MEGA SPORT"/ Personnel inspector/ Head of HR department/ Head of the automation department/ 15 years of experience
CLASS 1. From 18:00 to 21:00
1. Personnel policy of the organization. Objectives. Substantive provisions.
2. Personnel services. Structure and number. Regulations on personnel service.
3. Internal organizational and normative documents. Documents that regulate the work of the personnel service.
4. Collective agreement. Procedure for conclusion, responsibility for violation of legislation on collective agreements
5. Rules of internal labor regulations. Concept and content.
6. Staff schedule of the enterprise. Concept and content.
7. Job descriptions. The concept and content of the job description. Classifier of professions.
CLASS 2. From 18:00 to 21:00
1. Employment contract. Hiring with the new requirements of the law on reforming social insurance and legalizing wages.
2. Recruitment. The concept of an employment contract. Parties to an employment contract. Types of employment contracts. The procedure for hiring an applicant. The procedure for accepting an applicant for a job (personnel registration documents, personal files of employees. Trial period. Contract form of the agreement. Hiring part-time employees. Differences between part-time work and work placement. Hiring foreign citizens. Employment of disabled people at the enterprise: workplace regulations for the employment of disabled people.
3. Termination of the employment contract. Mobilization changes in labor legislation. (Dismissal of employees during mobilization (recovery algorithm, payment of average earnings from the moment of dismissal). Registration procedure. Compensation of the average earnings of mobilized employees at the expense of the State Budget of Ukraine. Preparation and execution of documents in case of termination of an employment contract; labor disputes in labor dispute commissions.
CLASS 3. From 18:00 to 21:00
1. Documentation of personnel movement and its accounting. Personnel reporting.
2. Administrative documents from personnel: Order. Filling out and maintaining a personal card. Calculation of total length of service. Registration and maintenance of personal files.
3. Employment books. Issuing, maintaining, making changes and accounting. Put it in the work book. Issuing and issuing a duplicate work book
4. Material responsibility. Types of material responsibility. Determining the size of the damage.
5. Personnel reporting: Reporting to statistical authorities. Report to the state employment service. Reporting to the Fund for Social Protection of the Disabled.
CLASS 4. From 18:00 to 21:00
1. Working time and rest time. Provision and processing of vacations. Duration of the working day. Completion of the work day record sheet. Overtime work. Work at night. Provision and processing of vacations. Types of vacations and their duration. Documentation of holidays. Monetary compensation for unused vacation. The procedure for granting leave in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.
2. Business trips. Registration of business trips. Changes during the registration of business trips. Terms of business trips within Ukraine and abroad. Documentation of business trips.
3. Social insurance in connection with temporary loss of working capacity: Insurance certificate and procedure for issuing it.
4. The work of the personnel service for the appointment (recalculation) of pensions: Drawing up the necessary documents for the appointment (recalculation) of pensions. Periods for the appointment of pensions. Payment of pension.
CLASS 5. From 18:00 to 21:00
1c Enterprise
Accounting and personnel management. Accounting settings. Initial filling of the information base. Setting the personnel accounting parameters. Filling out directories. Staff schedule. Entering information about employees. Reception to work with various types of employment. Staff translations. Combination orders. Release. Vacation. Assignment. Sick-leave. Registration of modifications. Time off, absenteeism, absenteeism. Formation of personnel reports and military accounting reports
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Get a guaranteed -10% discount by booking your seat before October 17
The company was founded in 2010.
And he works in the field of Human Capital Consulting.
We provide a set of professional services in the field of work with personnel and business processes.
We have more than 13 years of expertise
experience in the selection of first-class, qualified employees
We provide impeccable service
in each of our services
We automate the selection process
accordingly, we perform our work clearly and on time
Office-Warsaw 02-672, Domanevska 47 loc. 40
+48 579501658+380965085378
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Office-Warsaw 02-672, Domanevska 47 loc. 40
+48 579501658+380965085378
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